Dr Ayoub Abu Dayyeh is currently Vice-President of Energy Strategic Studies Society, Amman. He has been Head of Engineering Design Office for Green Buildings and Energy Efficiency studies since 1980 and was President of the Society of Energy Conservation and Sustainable Habitat between 2004 and 2016. He teaches on Environmental Ethics, Environmental Studies and the Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy. He holds a PhD from the University of St Joseph (2001), Lebanon, Mphil from the University of Jordan (1996) and BSc in Civil and Structural Engineering from the University of Manchester (1977).
He was a former member of UNESCO Asian-Arab intercultural dialogue, Bangkok-Thailand for 10 years. He is the author and editor of several books and articles on Palestine and Environmental themes exploring issues such as the case for a one state solution in historic Palestine, nuclear energy and climate change. His most recent research is published in “The Political and Economic Challenges of Energy in the Middle East and North Africa, Edited by David Ramin Jalilvand, Kirsten Westphal 2018 (Routledge).
He has received numerous awards including: Best Scientific Book Award from Philadelphia University (2016); Arab Cities Organization, the Environmental Advocate Prize, Qatar (2015) and Green Hero Status, awarded at the British Parliament on November 2010 by the Green Organization.